Japanese Encephalitis


Japanese Encephalitis (JE) is an inflammation of the brain caused by the Japanese Encephalitis virus. This disease spreads to humans through mosquito bites carrying the virus. Although typically mild in symptoms, some cases of Japanese encephalitis can lead to fatal brain inflammation.

Benefits of IMOJEV Vaccine
Prevents Japanese Encephalitis illness which occurs in several regions of Asia and the Western Pacific. It is transmitted by the Culex tritaeniorhynchus mosquito and is not transmitted from person to person.

IMOJEV Vaccination Schedule
IMOJEV Vaccination schedule for children according to Indonesian Pediatric Society recommendations
• Administered starting at 9 months of age, 2 doses with a minimum interval of 1-2 years.
IMOJEV Vaccination schedule for adults
• A single dose is sufficient, especially for individuals traveling to Japanese Encephalitis endemic areas.
IMOJEV Vaccination schedule for elderly
• A single dose is sufficient, especially for individuals traveling to Japanese Encephalitis endemic areas.

Composition of IMOJEV Vaccine
Each dose (0.5 ml) contains Live Attenuated Recombinant Japanese Encephalitis Virus: 4.0 – 5.8 log PFU.

Side Effects of IMOJEV Vaccine
Headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, coughing, pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.

Contraindication of IMOJEV Vaccine
• Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the vaccine.
• History of severe allergy to previous JE vaccines.
• History of immunosuppressive therapy, immunocompromised conditions, and symptomatic or asymptomatic HIV.
• Pregnancy

Special Attention for IMOJEV Vaccine
• Vaccination should be postponed in individuals experiencing fever or acute infection.
• Individuals with a history of high-dose corticosteroid consumption for >14 days should ideally have a minimum interval of 1 month before vaccination.

PRICE: IDR 700K / dose

Japanese Encephalitis

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