HPV Vaccine Bali

In an attempt to stop the Human Papillomavirus from spreading, HPV immunization is one of the means to consider. Thus, having many sexual partners leads to an HPV infection, which results in the development of cervical cancer. HPV is classified by risk category, where the high-risk HPV strains cause such diseases as cervical cancer, while low-risk HPV strains cause genital warts only. A pap smear should be conducted periodicaly since HPV leads to abnormal cervical cancer precursors, among other abnormalities.

More Indonesians are becoming aware of HPV vaccination as Bali expands access to these vaccines for cancer prevention. This article is a knowledge and guidance article on HPV and the importance of vaccination. It also details how one can take the vaccine in Bali, with a focus on its significance in eradicating cervical cancer.

What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical Cancer

A woman’s uterus is situated lower amidst the joining passage into her vagina or birth canal, cervical cancer grows slowly, and it can take several years for abnormal cells to develop into invasive cancer. The human papillomavirus (HPV) enters the cervix through a micro-wound and integrates its genome into the host’s genome. Some symptoms of cervical cancer may not be apparent; therefore, check-ups like pap smears when cancer is not yet evident are recommended. Treatment is usually based on the stage of the tumor, but treatments may involve surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. Cervical cancer like any other cancer must be diagnosed early, and given the proper treatment as fast as possible.

What causes cervical cancer?

It is understood that cervical cancer is mainly caused by HPV, a social and sexually transmitted virus. Despite its name, not all high-risk types of HPV cause cervical cancer, some strains are known to cause genital warts, while symptoms of others are sometimes undetectable. It is accepted that some types of HPV are known to be the leading causes of cancer and essential contributors to the development of cervical cancer.

Among these are a number of factors that may predispose individuals to cervical cancer, such as:


According to the result of the study, it was understood that the cervical cancer risk of female smokers is 3.5 times higher as compared to that of non-smoker women. Chemicals used in cigarettes hinder the action of proteins involved in cervical cell DNA repair as well as decrease the body’s ability to eliminate HPV. This makes the tissue non-resistant to virus intrusion, hence leading to a high likelihood of cancer on the cervix.

Weak Immune System

Consequently, the immune system is another essential body system since it helps protect our bodies from infections caused by bacteria or viruses. Cervical cancer is also a risk in other immune system diseases like HIV/AIDS, autoimmune illnesses, and those with other organs transplanted; they also become immunocompromised. It influences their immune mechanism, and they cannot prevent HPV or other infection properly, and it raises the risk of having cervical cancer.

Prevention of HPV

Prevention HPV Bali

Lifestyle Modifications

Lifestyle Modifications

This paper elaborates on how applying healthy lifestyles, immunization and consistent health check-ups can prevent HPV and its associate problems. Moreover, stopping to smoke is important since it compromises immune system, delays infection healing process and enhances chances of infected HPV cancers especially cervix cancer. Consistent and correct usage of condoms is one of the safe sex practices that can reduce the risk of acquiring HPV or any other STIs. Still, it’s worth noting that this is not total protection. In addition to this, it is essential to limit the number of sexual partners and avoid having contact with those infected by STIs.


Get the HPV Vaccine

The vaccine is another crucial way of preventing HPV since it works by preventing viruses from growing inside the body. HPV vaccine targets these subtype since they are both the most prevalent and the most dangerous ones, significantly lowering the risk of developing HPV-related malignancies or genital warts. Vaccination can protect individuals as young as older adults for up to 26 years of age and, in certain situations, as young as 45 years, depending on other risk factors. The vaccination may be administered at different time schedules; therefore, consultation with a healthcare practitioner is required before a vaccination schedule can be determined.

Regular Health Check-ups

Regular Health Check-ups

Health check-ups should be done regularly in order to monitor any risk of HPV infection as well as other health conditions associated with the virus. Healthcare practitioners will conduct essential tests like pap smears to check for any signs of diseases early in their process. These check-ups also serve the purpose of reviewing any queries that people have regarding HPV or their sexual health and timely jab administration. Hence, it can be argued that early detection is essential due to its potential to result in improved diagnostic procedures and, hence, better treatment of the disease, which is effective in the anti-HPV crusade.

Early Detection by Screening

Detecting HPV early is vital to preventing and treating cervical cancer. From the available screening methods, women primarily undergo two tests: the Pap smear, which checks for abnormal cervical cells, and the HPV DNA test, which identifies high-risk HPV strains. Regular screenings are recommended for women aged 21 to 65. Men aren’t typically screened for HPV, but those at higher risk, such as men who have sex with men, should consult their doctors. Understanding risk factors like multiple sexual partners, unprotected sex, a weakened immune system, and smoking underscores the importance of early detection through regular screenings.

Encouraging news that Saline Bali has the Human Papillomavirus vaccine.


For those who may need such an intervention for some times now, introduction of GARDASIL 9 vaccine in Saline Bali offers them great opportunity to do so. By vaccinating, individuals can attain protection against 9 high-risk infections including HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18 which cause cancer. Other strains covered are HPV 31, 33 and 45. Hence it is placed within a category of more comprehensive health campaigns.

Vaccination Schedule and Composition

The possibility of adverse effects can be minimized by adhering to appropriate age recommendations for GARDASIL 9 administration. As suggested by the Indonesian Pediatric Society, children between the ages of 9 and 14 years should receive booster vaccinations including two doses with an interval of 6-12 months. The HPV vaccine can be administered in adults who were not vaccinated or did not receive complete HPV vaccination in their childhood. The HPV vaccine can be given to adolescents from 15 years old until adults aged 26 years.

However, before they can have it, adults from age 27 to 45 need to consult their doctors. Married or sexually active adults may also get this vaccination against HPV virus strain type 16 which predisposes people into developing cervical cancer. This “odd” assumption may stem from the fact that some people think condoms help protect the body from other sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and hepatitis B, but it is important to note that this specific vaccine does not replace them. In young people and grownups, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations require three shots; the second dose follows one or two months after the first one, while the last shot comes six months thereafter.

Vulnerabilities, Interactions, and Precautions

Clearly, people must be aware of specific mild side effects that can occur when any vaccine is administered. This means that patients may experience headache, dizziness, fever, myalgia, and sometimes swelling or redness at the site of injection after receiving GARDASIL 9 immunization.

Special Considerations:

  • Infection fever or allergic history must be the reason for deferring the patient’s vaccination.
  • We recommend that the taking of HPV vaccines should go hand in hand with Cervical cancer screening, for instance, through a Pap smear.
  • HPV vaccination cannot treat existing cancer lesions.
  • Individuals undergoing immunosuppressive solid therapy, those with genetic defects, or those with HIV may have a reduced response to the vaccine.

Pricing and Availability

At Saline Bali, we offer the GARDASIL 9 vaccine at a rate of IDR 2.45 million for each shot. Make an appointment today and get your vaccination to protect yourself as well as your loved ones.


1. To which group of people is the HPV vaccine available in Bali?

The government has encouraged HPV vaccination for girls and boys of 11-12 years, but it is still available for those who are older. Aside from the previously defined target age group, other admissible participants are subjects who are over 18 years old up to 26 years old without being vaccinated.

2. Why should girls and boys continue to take the HPV vaccine even when COVID-19 is no longer around?

The mass coverage of the HPV vaccine is even valid after COVID-19, which impacted most of the countries worldwide. The government stands up for HPV vaccines as a means of preventing cancer, underlining that the shots are essential additions to the healthcare system.

3. What could be the outcomes of vaccines for HPV, and do individuals receive both doses at once?

The shot against HPV is safe when given concomitant with the coronavirus vaccine, but it is recommended to be taken later after being immunized for COVID-19. The recommendation by the government is that an individual should ask their doctor about the timing or when they are going to receive each vaccination.

4. Where to get the HPV vaccine in Bali and what first?

Girls in this area of Bali can receive HPV vaccines at many health facilities. In addition to consulting exceptional healthcare practitioners, it should be stated that the vaccine is effective if administered before the onset of the HPV, which is why most of them recommend early vaccination to patients.

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