

Rabies is a viral infection affecting the brain and nervous system. The rabies virus typically transmits to humans through animal bites. If not promptly treated, rabies can lead to death.

Benefits of VERORAB Vaccine
Prevents Rabies, which can occur through bites or scratches from animals infected with rabies.

VERORAB Vaccination Schedule
VERORAB Vaccination schedule for children according to Indonesian Pediatric Society recommendations
• Before getting bitten by an animal/pre-exposure, rabies vaccine is administered with 3 primary doses and 2 booster doses.
    o Dose I: Now
    o Dose II: 7 days after Dose I
    o Dose III: 28 days after Dose I
    o Dose IV: 1 year from Dose I (booster)
    o Dose V: 5 years from Dose I (booster)
• After getting bitten by an animal (post-exposure), rabies vaccine can be administered to prevent Rabies disease:
     o For Level I and II bites, 5 doses are given.
        - Dose I: as soon as possible after the bite/scratch.
        - Dose II: 3 days after Dose I
        - Dose III: 7 days after Dose I
        - Dose IV: 14 days after Dose I
        - Dose V: 28 days after Dose I
    o For Level III bites, 5 doses are given along with Immunoglobulin:
        - Dose I: as soon as possible after the bite + Immunoglobulin.
        - Dose II: 3 days after Dose I
        - Dose III: 7 days after Dose I
        - Dose IV: 14 days after Dose I
        - Dose V: 28 days after Dose I

VERORAB Vaccination schedule for adults
• Before getting bitten by an animal/pre-exposure, rabies vaccine is administered with 3 primary doses and 2 booster doses.
    o Dose I: Now
    o Dose II: 7 days after Dose I
    o Dose III: 28 days after Dose I
    o Dose IV: 1 year from Dose I (booster)
    o Dose V: 5 years from Dose I (booster)
• After getting bitten by an animal (post-exposure), rabies vaccine can be administered to prevent Rabies disease:
  o For Level I and II bites, 5 doses are given.
      - Dose I: as soon as possible after the bite/scratch.
      - Dose II: 3 days after Dose I
      - Dose III: 7 days after Dose I
      - Dose IV: 14 days after Dose I
      - Dose V: 28 days after Dose I
  o For Level III bites, 5 doses are given along with Immunoglobulin:
    - Dose I: as soon as possible after the bite + Immunoglobulin.
     - Dose II: 3 days after Dose I
     - Dose III: 7 days after Dose I
     - Dose IV: 14 days after Dose I
     - Dose V: 28 days after Dose I

VERORAB Vaccination schedule for elderly
• Before getting bitten by an animal/pre-exposure, rabies vaccine is administered with 3 primary doses and 2 booster doses.
   o Dose I: Now
   o Dose II: 7 days after Dose I
   o Dose III: 28 days after Dose I
   o Dose IV: 1 year from Dose I (booster)
   o Dose V: 5 years from Dose I (booster)
• After getting bitten by an animal (post-exposure), rabies vaccine can be administered to prevent Rabies disease:
   o For Level I and II bites, 5 doses are given.
     - Dose I: as soon as possible after the bite/scratch.
     - Dose II: 3 days after Dose I
     - Dose III: 7 days after Dose I
     - Dose IV: 14 days after Dose I
     - Dose V: 28 days after Dose I
  o For Level III bites, 5 doses are given along with Immunoglobulin:
     - Dose I: as soon as possible after the bite + Immunoglobulin.
     - Dose II: 3 days after Dose I
     - Dose III: 7 days after Dose I
     - Dose IV: 14 days after Dose I
     - Dose V: 28 days after Dose I

Composition of VERORAB Vaccine
Each dose (0.5 ml) contains:
   o Freeze-dried rabies vaccine (WISTAR strain RABIES PM/WI 38-1503-3M)
   o Maltose
   o Human plasma Albumin
   o 4% Sodium Chloride Solution

Side Effects of VERORAB Vaccine
Fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, nausea, abdominal pain, and redness and swelling at the injection site.

Contraindication of VERORAB Vaccine
• Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the vaccine.
• History of severe allergy to previous rabies vaccines.
• Since rabies infection typically results in death, there are no contraindications to curative vaccination.

Special Attention to VERORAB Vaccine
• Vaccination should be postponed in individuals experiencing fever or acute infection.
• Immunoglobulin and rabies vaccine should not be administered at the same injection site.
• Serological testing using RFFIT (Rapid Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test) should be performed on individuals continuously exposed (every 6 months) and may be done every 2-3 years after booster doses following 1 and 5 years of exposure.

PRICE: IDR 600K / dose


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