Bali Belly

What is Bali Belly? Know the 5 basic symptoms of Bali Belly

Bali Belly is a digestive disorder that causes stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. It is relatively common among tourists, especially those who are traveling to Bali. The medical term is Traveler’s Diarrhea.

There are various causes of this disease, but most of them are caused by contaminated food eaten by tourists in Bali. The food eaten can be contaminated by bacteria, viruses and/or parasites.

Five symptoms experiencing Bali Belly

Five symptoms experiencing Bali Belly

Tourists who come to Bali must know some of the early symptoms of the emergence of this disease. Here are the five symptoms that indicate a person is experiencing Bali Belly,

  1. Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach
  2. High body temperature
  3. Bloating in the stomach
  4. Nausea feeling
  5. Diarrhea

These symptoms are early symptoms of Bali Belly. Of course, not everyone feels the same when experiencing this. The treatment can be done by consuming medicines available in the nearest pharmacy, and if it feels heavy, you can visit the nearest clinic for a doctor’s treatment. To fully understand the symptoms, here is a review of the 5 early symptoms of Bali Belly.

Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach

1. Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach

Traveling in Bali includes a magnificent tour around the island where you can enjoy the atmosphere and various exciting sights. Of course, not only this island provides a beautiful atmosphere and scenery but also it is rich in its extraordinary cuisine, where visitors will like the food in all its taste and presentation. However, for tourists who have never eaten the local delicacies before or when the food is not optimally hygienic, it could cause an upset stomach, which is characterized by feelings of discomfort and cramping. Ultimately anyone experiencing this will not be able to enjoy the well-known Bali holiday vibe. This is one of the symptoms of Bali Belly that is common to tourists.

High body temperature

2. High body temperature

Another symptom of Bali Belly is a high body temperature, which is triggered by bacteria and viruses that have contaminated food or drinks that have been eaten, so these bacteria cause infection in our digestive tract and can cause changes in our body temperature. We can feel our body temperature rising which causes us to feel cold or hot when we have Bali Belly.

Bloating in the stomach

3. Bloating in the stomach

Flatulence is a common symptom related to digestive problems, where there is an increase in gas in the digestive tract. It is also triggered by various things, such as unsuitable food or irregular eating. Bloating is one of the symptoms of Bali Belly which is usually experienced by tourists.

Nausea feeling

4. Nausea feeling

As we know, nausea can occur due to refusal from the stomach. This refusal occurs due to stomach discomfort from receiving the food or drink consumed. This is also one of the symptoms often felt by Bali Belly patients.


5. Diarrhea

A person who has diarrhea is undoubtedly feeling unpleasant. The patient will repeatedly defecate, which happens over a long period, so tourists enjoying vacations will be uncomfortable in this situation. This is the main symptom of Bali Belly for tourists in Bali in general.

These symptoms are widespread symptoms for tourists visiting Bali. The lack of attention to hygienic food and drinks is no doubt an essential factor that will significantly impact Bali Belly disease, and the term “Bali Belly” is ubiquitous among tourists. Their trip will certainly be very uncomfortable if you contracted this disease. For that, we must maintain and avoid this disease to enjoy our holiday and travel in Bali.

How to protect yourself from Bali Belly

How to protect yourself from Bali Belly?

Because Bali Belly is a common disease for tourists visiting Bali, several things must be considered to avoid this stomach disease:

Maintain health condition

1. Maintain health condition

Keeping at your ideal health and fitness condition is one of the essential things in Bali Belly treatment efforts. Being healthy is an important factor which means your body has a good and robust immune system. Health can be maintained with simple things, such as choosing healthy food, choosing hygienic drinks

and looking for a trusted environment when purchasing food or drinks. Always keep a clean and healthy standard whenever it comes to food and beverages.

Use clean cutlery

2. Use clean cutlery

Cutlery is an essential element for everyone when consuming our meals. In this case it includes spoons, forks, glasses and so on. We must keep them totally clean. When we are eating out, we even have the option to bring our own cutlery to be fully sure of its cleanliness. By using clean eating utensils, we can maintain our health and avoid contamination of food that is harmful and has the possibility to cause stomach ailments.

Preparing medicine

3. Preparing medicine

Preparing medicines and vitamins is another best way to keep yourself healthy and avoid stomach ailments. It is essential to be ready so that when someone feels the symptoms of Bali Belly, they can immediately prevent it by consuming healthy medicines and vitamin supplements so that the disease may subside soon and not reach severe levels.

“Prevention is better than cure” is a very suitable saying to be applied in cases of Bali Belly. It means that we can keep this disease away by paying more attention to our health and body safety during our days in Bali. However, if unfortunately, we were exposed to this disease, we need to provide a quick treatment so that this disease will not stay for a long time. How is the best way to have Bali Belly’s first treatment? Here’s the discussion below to explain further on putting up a good fight against Bali Belly.

Bali Belly Treatment

Bali Belly Treatment

In our modern society, tour and travel is now a necessity that a person feels a need that they must do it at least once a year. People will come with their families and partners to visit exciting tourist spots in Bali such as Canggu, Uluwatu, Ubud and other famous places. These are the destinations for tourists to enjoy the beauty of Bali, and of course many more areas too!

Everyone of us when travelling to an attraction must have been enticed by their beauty values. However, no matter how beautiful a place is as a tourist attraction, we must not forget to maintain our health and food hygiene so as to avoid contracting this stomach disease.

Bali Belly treatment can be done by taking medicines available at various pharmacies. Another option is to go directly to see a doctor so that immediate treatment can be carried out. Although Bali Belly is quite common, some people still ask whether Bali Belly is contagious. The answer is no; Bali Belly will only occur in a group if contaminated food is eaten together. The existing bacteria or virus will equally spread to each other’s bodies.


Bali Belly is a well-known term for every tourist who visits Bali. In Bali Belly patients, they  experience abdominal pain caused by unclean food and an unhealthy environment.

Patients will suffer from stomach pain and diarrhea for a maximum of 3-5 days, which is the critical time for the patient to have immediate treatment to prevent the bacteria or virus from growing longer. Therefore, we must maintain the health and cleanliness of the environment when traveling. By prioritizing cleanliness and health, it can be one of the best medicines for Bali Belly and also to avoid other harmful impacts for our body’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bali Belly

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Bali Belly can also be known as travelers' diarrhea. This is caused by bacteria in contaminated foods and water. When visiting Bali, make sure to check the travel advisory. Diarrhea and stomach discomforts such as Bali Belly may occur.

In most cases, symptoms will last for less than one week. Bali Belly usually lasts between 3 and 7 days. However, symptoms may linger for several weeks depending on our body's immune and what treatment we are taking.

Here are the five symptoms that indicate a person is experiencing Bali Belly; Diarrhea, Cramping, Nausea and uncomfortable feeling in stomach, and sometimes with fever.

Yes, it is possible to get "Bali belly" (also known as "traveler's diarrhea") more than once. The condition is caused by consuming contaminated food or water and can occur anywhere, not just in Bali. People who have had "Bali belly" before may be more susceptible to getting it again, especially if they do not take precautions to prevent it.

It depends on your body condition. If you feel it still can be handled, keep your hydration and take medicine, like activated carbon or attapulgite. The injection is needed if you keep feeling pain and severe.

"Bali belly" (also known as "traveler's diarrhea") is caused by consuming contaminated food or water. The most common cause is a bacterial infection, specifically caused by E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Shigella. These bacteria can be found in food that has not been cooked or stored properly, or in water that has not been treated or is contaminated with sewage. Parasites such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium can also cause "Bali belly". Additionally, consuming food and drink from street vendors, or eating raw fruits or vegetables that may have been washed with unclean water can increase the risk of getting "Bali belly".

There are several steps that you can take to avoid "Bali belly" while traveling:

1. Practice safe food and water precautions: Only eat food that is cooked and served hot, and avoid raw fruits and vegetables, tap water, and ice. Stick to food that is well-known and popular among locals, and avoid street vendors.

2. Be cautious with what you drink: Drink only bottled water or water that has been treated with a water purification tablet or filter. Avoid drinks with ice, or drinks that may have been made with tap water.

3. Wash your hands regularly: Make sure to wash your hands before eating, and after using the restroom or changing diapers.

Treatment for Bali belly typically involves addressing the symptoms, as the cause of the infection can vary. Here are some steps you can take to treat it:

1. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water or electrolyte-rich fluids to replace fluids lost due to diarrhea.

2. Rest: Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activities.

3. Over-the-counter medication: Medications such as loperamide (Imodium) or bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) can help alleviate symptoms of diarrhea.

4. Avoid certain foods: Avoid spicy and fatty foods, caffeine and alcohol, as they can irritate the stomach and exacerbate symptoms.

5. Probiotics: Taking probiotics can help to restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut and may help reduce symptoms.

6. Seek medical attention if symptoms worsen: If you develop severe abdominal pain, blood in your stool, or if your symptoms do not improve within a few days, seek medical attention.

If you are unsure about the cause of the infection or if your symptoms are severe, it's always a good idea to see a doctor.


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